Did you know I'm a pot full of crazy? Probably by now. But for all the crazy, I totally came up with something that works. Ok, so sometimes I'm pretty controlling and definitely whiny, but honestly I just want to help my awesome Husband succeed. He says he can't remember there is something in the fridge, and he hates it when I'm mad so TA DA. This thing really does work.

 Also, I've totally been back to cooking from my Cooking Light all the time in the pilgrimage to help our budgets and our waists. Yay for the winter of hermitage, I'm getting really attached to it. 

Lets talk about how this is hard and not just cheery wonderfulness. 

For one, this is what the kitchen looks like most nights, and then someone has to clean it up. Ugh.

Second, eating healthy, for me, means I'm so hungry I'm mad at least a couple times a day. One of these times is right when I get home from work. Unfortunately, it is a perfect storm of bad because this is also when my ever-loving husband is just waking up from his nap (don't judge, he goes to work at 3:00 a.m. and stays up at night so that he can see me). He CANNOT function for about 30 minutes after waking up, unlike me, and unlike me he is not starving. Hence I just wanna MOVE AND COOK AND GET THINGS DONE. And he just wants me to be quieter and stop turning on the light and to be able to figure out if I'm actually mad at him or something else entirely.

We soldier on everybody, in the hopes that someday I will be one of those magic people who doesn't get ravenously hungry 6 times a day or that our schedules will change or that we won't care about this daily thing because we love each other way mucho. 

It is the last one.

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