Oooohiii dear readers. It has been a while since I have updated. I have a couple good excuses which include moving, unpacking, travelling again for work and just generally trying to set up in a new country. 

It is still fun and beautiful here, but I'm not going to lie to everyone, I went back to KC this week and it made me miss it terribly already. Also, when you move to a different country you very quickly start to appreciate when you life was knew how to get places, you knew what the options were, you didn't have to deal with signing up for anything basically. The point is, gloriously easy life washed back over me bringing with it the family and friends that we left behind and darn it if it didn't make me a little bit sad. 

However! We sally forth and continue to appreciate our new home. 

So for pictures I will just go chronologically over the really random things I apparently decided to take pictures of recently: 

1.  We ventured off to Walmart on the bus (a long bus ride to get out to the suburbs but ALACK! deodorant is $3 there and suddenly we can afford things. Who knew it would take a move to Canada for us to appreciate the terrible convenience and price of the big box stores). K super loved that it was a two story one, with a cart escalator:)


2. I got to catch My Oh My's show on Monday back in KC and it was thrilling to get to see my good friends SW and GB rocking it out:) 

3. There was BBQ had, under the guise of getting K some rub etc. we ventured to Okie Joe's. Delicious. Let me tell you, they are trying hard here in Canadia but we went to a BBQ place...and they are doing it wrong. 

4. Got to go out to Voltaire for some celebrations with GB and BB and it was glorious. What a lovely end to a KC trip. 

5. And of course, I got to see the cuties again. This guy has been walking all over the place, but upon seeing the camera...promptly sat down, of course. 

This weekend will be a holiday weekend, yay. There is a symphony splash event where the symphony plays on a barge out in the harbour at night and I am pretty pumped for that. 


  1. *Sigh* I miss you guys. Love to see Kyle going all Curious George on the travelator.

  2. Heehee, I loved the cart escalator at the giant Target in downtown Minneapolis, too. :) I'm afraid you're as sunk for BBQ in Victoria as Mom & Dad are for Mexican in Brisbane. Some things you just have to come back for! ;) Glad you had fun with Granny! :)

  3. I love you and miss you terribly already!
