As a bonus post, here is the craft circle I hosted this weekend. I work with some very creative ladies and each month we get together and craft. We have done things like resin pendants, glass etchings and jewelry makings. As this was my month, it was not a very creative craft (Valentine card making), however, with some serious tricks of the crafting trade they rose to the challenge!....I provided lots of food:) 

Here is what I made: 

Delightfully delicious and pretty easy too. It felt a little like a science experiment when  I flash boiled them in the water and baking soda solution. Who knew these could come out like they do from the cart, I didn't. However, make sure you don't make gobs of them for a bunch of dieting ladies because they are best very fresh. Even within a couple hours they weren't as good, although I bet if you froze them and baked them again they would save well. 

I also made Turkey-Bacon Wrapped Dates *delicious* and some cream puffs and vegetable tray courtesy of Costco. 

Note: this is one significant reason for the R and K budget smack down. Costco, you are so cost saving, except for all those tempting and not so necessary options that we buy. Budget breakdown is so on. 

Here is what the ladies brought: 

Yep, it isn't even all unpacked. 

We made some pretty cool cards, with crafty supplies that I have never even seen. Do you know what embossing is? There is ink, powder and a special little blow dryer involved, it also felt pretty scientific. I made a couple of cards and K and I got to eat the conversation hearts we bought. A great event! 

This weekend was also an awesome super bowl party, which I should have remembered to take pictures at but I didn't. This is pretty unfortunate but the highlights included winning the bet that Christina would, in fact, hold the "brave" of the nation anthem more than 6 seconds and Nithi running around in her pigtails and feety pajama's cheering "Go Packers!" 

One Comment

  1. Dude I *love* your little pretzel bites-- they look amazing!

    Bwahaha, dang, wish I could have seen the littlest Packers fan doing her cheer!
