My life is full of sweet moments.
I will tell you about them.

My dear, brilliant, loving mother had her birthday and it was a sweet family day. I made a pie that I forgot to take pictures of, which is ok because it wasn't very pretty. My mom is the best lady and she deserves all the happiness. 

My sweet man came along too and always remains stoicly un-outgirled despite the heavy female attendance in my fam. 

We have had many visitors to our new place, and we still enjoy being able to finally host some people. Things have slowed down enough that we sometimes occupy the same space at the same time, and even during more normal hours! We loved having H over and the sweet mangoes she brought us. 

Later, I made sweet blueberry muffins with the blueberries K bought us at the farmer's market. It was so nice that I got to give them out to everyone we love, K's Mom, Grandma and Aunt and our own bodacious friends B, KR, and L&F (the initials get less and less relevant, but it remains a tidy way to anonymously give shout outs:) We are so lucky to have such sweet moments with them all. 

And as always, the reining cutie has to be my niece Miss Nithi. She may be getting more willful and wild by the minute as she enters her toddler phase, but it is still just a flood of sweet moments with that one too. 


  1. Ooh, the muffins look fabulous! I love all the swimming you guys are doing thanks to the pools in your apartment complexes. I need to get in the water-- the last time I went was when you were up here in Mpls!

  2. Gotta love life's sweet little blessings!
