I made some kick ass soup this weekend. I was sick half the week with K and we enjoyed this spicy delicious respite (Chicken Chorizo Stew). K spent his time playing Red Dead and I spent my time devouring (K's words) Games of Thrones and subsequently moving on to Clash of Kings. *These books make me want to drink mulled wine and sleep on bear skins* 

It was delicious and brought to you by Cooking Light. Thank goodness I subscribed to that, because I am finally back on track making weekly menus and cooking. I am just going to have to see how that holds up as January explodes all over the place. We have a wedding, an out of town weekend, a friend's birthday and my parents moving to Australia. Toss in KC Restaurant week reservations, swimming and buying/getting a car and you have a busy month. I'm going to try to update this thing on the happenings.

In the mean time, I finally connected my camera to my computer and found this long lost video. Look at us, so young so unmarried (;) coming up on three months). This makes me happy. 

Certificate License from Rachel Lancaster on Vimeo.

One Comment

  1. Way to persevere on cooking despite a busy schedule-- your soup looks delicious! Where is your out-of-town weekend?
