Tonight I'd like to tell you about me and my roommate A. 
She, like me, is a grad student and she is doing her thesis much like I was last week-->crunch time. 

Tonight, however, we distracted each other from grading in my case and reading articles for class in hers. 

We don't have cable because we are very poor and basically never watch actual television. This means our entertainment habits are characterized by the fact that  I watch internet TV during breakfast and together we have been watching the same Office and 30 Rock episodes for the last 8 months during homework, punctuated by her excellent assortment of 80's movies. 

Today, we turned on the digital TV box (yep! 4 solid channels) and discovered what has been on the television. It was both disconcerting and strangely alluring. We found Dancing with the Stars 

It was creepy, but A was having fun deconstructing the dancers, the show and the cross advertising they were doing. 

Then we got back to this 

I finally convinced her to sit in the comfy chair I instituted at the kitchen table. 

If she wasn't going away to get her Ph.D I might try to convince K that she definitely needs to live with us next year as well. 

One Comment

  1. Who needs a Ph.D anyways! Come on A! haha
    Glad you have each others company out there, keep up the good work everybody!
