Today I would like to talk about all the people that step in to help me because they are awesome. 

My sisters, who either listen to my whine when there is clearly nothing wrong yet

Or buy me groceries, because my public whining pulls at her heart strings instead of annoying her 

My Dad, who responds to each and every one of my frantic job search e-mails with reassuring words 

My Mom, who talks sense into me and listens to me cry, no matter how bad a day she is having herself 

My roommate, who goes to get Thai food with me while we complain some more 

And my love, who when a pep talk fails, drives out to surprise me with a bolstering presence while I work despite the fact that he has stuff to do himself. 

And to all of the people that generally put up with me all the time, fellow grad students, friends who keep trying to do stuff with me despite being shot down for thesis work etc. I love everybody and I promise, there is a day in the future when I will be less of a pain..I Hope 

One Comment

  1. this post is too cute. Hang in there, semester's almost over!!! =)
