Today is another day of work. For some reason the middle of this week hit me like a wall of worry and I am trying to stand up in the face of it. It is hard not to have one sure thing, but I have been going about combatting that all wrong. 

My Dad gave me excellent advice. Just do the one thing you are doing right now. K and I have gotten into a bad pattern of spreading ourselves very thin in a effort to accomplish everything all at once. It works with some things, like errands, it doesn't work with other things, like big plans and time consuming work. 

Therefore, today it will be my effort to just work on the one thing I am expected to get done to graduate. I will not worry about getting e-mails about jobs back, or searching for places to live in dwindling months, or  my less than reassuring bank account. I'm just going to be doing my one thing, the only real thing I can do and the one that has to get done before anything else can happen: Hello Thesis, no more Miss Nice Girl. 

One Comment

  1. Waaaahoooo! I'm glad you had a fun, yet responsible break! Hope everything goes well getting back into the schoolin' swing of things!
    It was great having you camped out in my apartment bearing down on that thesis! :)
